VTT: Creating a user centric website to cut above the average and beyond
The world is changing and companies need to change with it in order to stay in business. From the customer point of view VTT has always been seen as an innovative research organisation with top talent on a global scale. However the website did not serve the crucial stakeholders like one could hope for. VTT’s service offering is vast and users were struggling finding answers and services they were looking for.
The most important goal of the project was to renovate VTT’s website into a customer-oriented service channel. A high quality technical execution, smart contents, modern user experience, flexible content management and possibilities for different integrations were also goals which had to be taken into account during the project. It was important to convey VTTs unique ability to turn their research outcomes into unparalleled practical solutions for their customers. VTT wanted to make their website more user centered and identify what the user is interested in and then collect relevant information for them organized either by customer industry, by current topic or by research expertise. The project was implemented together with Exove Design Oy.
Website renewal
A new website for a superior customer experience
With a new website overhaul forcing the KPI’s to trend upwards: During the first months after the launch the accessibility score had already increased 84 %, website conversions up by 586 % alongside with the session times and visited pages per sessions.

On the new website, the reader will constantly keep finding more interesting information in an organized manner and in an easily digestible format. The website is built so that VTT can keep constantly improving the match-making between content and site users.
The team clearly enjoys working together which has resulted in high quality work. Only thing that I would hope for more from Exove is industry insights and suggestions on how to develop things further, also regarding the technical side of things.
Hanna Holm, VTT
Content workshop to unifying hundreds of service pages
The objective was to make the website serve VTT’s customers better and to provide an unseen user experience. This meant that VTT had to renew their web concept including all the content and start from scratch. They had over 600 service pages that needed to be unified in a way that made sense to the clients. Therefore the approach was to start with content workshops where over 150 people across the organisation were involved in creating and writing the service descriptions and other high quality content for the renewed website. Each workshop was followed by one-on-one writing clinics for finalising the texts together with copywriters and SEO experts.
As a result from this approach we created a concept and service cards for managing the diverse content in a way that ultimately served the end clients’ needs and desires.
VTT did thorough work in preparing for the implementation of the new web service. The early concept work was communicated internally to gain the trust and confidence of the VTT marketing team to push forward. Top management buy-in for the project and the internal project team gave the required momentum for smooth implementation.

Understanding client’s needs is the base of excellent user experience
To deliver on the concept and end service, the Exove team introduced a framework for modern design thinking as well as lean startup development methods resulting in high quality service development with an open source Drupal content management system. In detail the service was implemented and designed in a way that served the customers the best way possible.
Features were designed based on the customer value expectation – if the feature did not provide any added value to the users it was left out from the project scope. Correspondingly when the feature enhanced usability, user experience or accessibility it was taken into account in the development process. It was crucial to understand the end clients’ needs in order to create an excellent user experience for the new service. Key to success was the inclusion of different stakeholders (from VTT, other companies and end clients) in the development process. Last but not least the governance model ensures that the content and concept evolves – resulting in increased ability to continuously improve in serving the right kind of content to the right kind of customers and other stakeholders now and in the future.
Measuring KPI’s helped to verify results that change enabled to achieve
In a world where everything is changing, the usual solutions just don’t cut it. VTT is reaching higher and deeper at the same time with all the missions they are taking and this service was no exception. The new web service provides insights of how VTT’s services tie into solving society’s biggest challenges, such as climate change.
Alongside with the happier customers, VTT had several KPIs that they measured by comparing the old website (baseline) to the new service. First months after the launch the accessibility score had increased 84%, conversions 586 % alongside with the session times and visited pages per sessions. So all the KPIs were and are pointing upwards.
The best part of the collaboration has been a pleasure to see Exove's genuine interest in VTT and enthusiasm for the project. In addition, I have always had full trust for accurate project management!
Hanna Holm, VTT
There were many companies involved in the large project: Fjord, Miltton, North Patrol and Oikio alongside Exove and VTT aiming for the same goal – Beyond the Obvious.
VTT (Technical Research Centre of Finland Ltd) is a visionary research, development and innovation partner who provides services and information for domestic and international customers and partners, both in private and public sectors. VTT drives sustainable growth and tackles the biggest global challenges of our time and turns them into growth opportunities. VTT is a state owned and controlled non-profit limited liability company.
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