Sitowise and Exove start cooperation

Sitowise is a Nordic expert in the built environment with a strong focus on digitality. Sitowise plans smart cities and living spaces where everyday life is built on a sustainable ground. It operates in three business areas: real estate and buildings, infrastructure and digital solutions. Every day more than 1,900 experts in various fields join forces to ensure that transport, infrastructure and buildings provide the best setting for a safe and carefree everyday life. Sitowise wants to raise the bar for intelligence and responsibility, and therefore the vision is to be the most responsible partner in developing a prosperous environment. Sitowise has grown rapidly and profitably in recent years, and the Group’s current turnover is approximately EUR 160 million. Sitowise’s head office is located in Espoo and the Group’s President and CEO is Pekka Eloholma.

Sitowise selected Gredi Content HUB for its brand and digital asset management solution. Minttu Vilander, Sitowise’s Director of Communications and Sustainability, explains that Sitowise has made a major brand announcement which will be implemented throughout 2021. The new slogan is: Sitowise – The Smart City Company. “Our data bank is a major reform. The challenge for us was that the material is on people’s computers and on network drives, and some of the material was always hidden somewhere. We have a very diverse range of services and thousands of different projects, which means that there is an abundant need for different marketing and communication material. Often findability suffers and there is no visibility to the materials produced by others,” says Minttu Vilander. “Now we have got the brand managed visibility.”

“In today’s world, everyone has a tough workload. When the materials are not easy to find they will not be used. The data bank must operate seamlessly, easily and quickly, and not as an additional workload. You should not spend time looking for pictures and other materials,” says Minttu Vilander.

Sitowise’s digital asset management solution – made by Exove – includes a quick search function, a Brand Book with all the brand guidelines, official brand elements such as logos, icons and brand images. There are marketing images, company presentations and other important materials that make it easy for all Sitowise experts to create brand presentations in many formats and on different channels. The personnel can now manage Sitowise’s brand superbly both in internal and external communications.

“Things are now done intelligently, transparently and responsibly”

“All material is now available to all Sitowise people without restrictions,” Minttu Vilander outlines. “It has a big impact on doing things effectively, and we can learn from each other. The material is readily available and there is no need to ask others if it should be used and if you could supply it. We are now more accessible.”

“When our people go to service for the first time, we want them to think WOW!”

“Our digital asset management solution is very straightforward. Efforts have been made to make the brand inspiring and interesting. Users are given positive encouragement on how to use the materials instead of restrictions. The goal is to easily provide a lot of material to present the brand and enable you to create good-looking things without having to be a graphic designer,” says Minttu Vilander.

“Thank you Sitowise, our new, great customer! The collaboration started impressively right away. The HUB we provide to Sitowise is intended for the utilization of an extensive production ecosystem,” says Exove’s COO, Exove products Risto Pasanen.

Communications has a respected role at Sitowise, and Minttu Vilander has influence on future decisions in Sitowise Management Team. “With all of Sitowise’s future work in mind, we have created more than 200 user groups in our digital asset management solution, and we also plan to manage project work with the solution. Our digital asset management solution is an ongoing process, it will be never finished.”

Why did Sitowise choose Exove?

“The domestic and reliable solution was a key factor. We evaluated several options. We believe in Exove and the service development work we are doing together with them,” Minttu Vilander sums up.

Interested in Sitowise? Read more


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