Keeping posted with Winningtemp
At Exove it has always been important to get the voices of our people to be heard: how are they doing, what is working well and where they’d need more emphasis and support from the company. During the years this was done in a very traditional way with a yearly staff survey. However, after the pandemic and the increased amount of hybrid and remote work that came with it, we started to question whether a once a year survey would really help us to keep in touch with our employees. When the physical face-to-face meetings are diminished from seeing each other daily or at least weekly to only monthly or even more rarely, how can we truly tell how people are doing?
Winningtemp survey tool was answer to our problems
Solution to this dilemma was found from Winningtemp, a survey tool that keeps in touch with our employees with weekly questions. Winningtemp gives a visual impression of the employees’ engagement and wellbeing in different categories like leadership, meaningfulness and job satisfaction with scientifically chosen questions. On top of this, Winningtemp offers the employees a chance to give anonymous written feedback to elaborate their responses. Their manager and People Operations are able to chat with the person while they stay anonymous.

Focusing on career paths and training in 2023
Winningtemp was taken into use at Exove in March 2022 so by the end of the year we’ve gathered the data and insights from our employees for 9 months. The tool has been received well by the staff which has been visible in the high participation percentage of 80% and the data has been used in the team days in order to find the team’s strengths and places to grow together. Company level results are visible to all users which increases transparency and the results have also been shared on a trend level in Exove’s staff meetings on a regular basis.
During the first 6 months Exove’s management was carefully following the trends Winningtemp was able to show us. Based on the feedback from that time the management decided on different actions to focus on, which for the year 2023 were providing more career growth opportunities with creating more comprehensive career paths throughout the company, offering more training for managers and renewing the possibilities and budgets for everyone to attend and get training also outside of Exove.
Now the feedback and results from Winningtemp are viewed monthly by People Operations and the managers, and quarterly by management. It is important for us to really follow if our initiatives are working as wished and creating a positive impact on our people. This is also one way among others for our people to influence how things are done at Exove – and that’s how we want to keep growing as a company, together and for now, with the help of Winningtemp.