Fortum: Impact through effective content
Over the recent years Fortum has invested a lot of effort into developing their content management system, in order to create a versatile tool for effective web communication. To realise the potential of the tool and get the most out of the investment, Fortum is now focusing on spreading the skills and knowledge on creating effective and engaging content throughout the organisation. With the help of Exove’s Content Clinic model and content specialists, the organisation is growing its confidence in offering customers the best possible content.
Content Clinics
To make an impact through effective content
Content Clinics speeded Fortum eNext’s process in renewing web content. Thanks to the renewed content, the number of external visitors increased by 91% and the number of page views by 79% in six months.
Content clinics – learning new skills and data driven continuous improvement
The Content Clinic model provides a structure for rapid improvement and development of skills and content. Working together on concrete tasks and being coached by web communications and analytics experts quickly builds confidence and puts the focus on effectiveness in content production. At Fortum each business unit has an opportunity to use the clinics to take their own section of the website to the next level.
The Clinics are working meetings for content producers and people responsible for maintaining the web pages, facilitated by communications, UX and user insight experts. The focus of the Clinics is to first clarify the objectives and then find optimal ways to use the available resources to create positive results in content and business development.
At Exove we feel that the best way to learn to build well converting page structures and customer journeys is through practice – by doing the work yourself, supported by encouraging experts. The Clinics help with adapting the new skills and methods into your daily work, and understanding the results and consequences of your activities. The best motivation for change and learning is seeing that your work matters.
Work in the Clinics is based on a data driven process: To make progress visible, to make the right decisions and to take the right actions, analytics and user data is a central element of each Clinic. Understanding the motivations of users and identifying the points of improvement direct our efforts to where they most matter. User insight and analytics dashboards are also built as part of the process to keep track of the continuous improvement.
Concrete leaps in website effectiveness for Fortum eNext
To get the Content Clinics running at Fortum, the Clinic model was tested and adjusted to Fortum’s needs with a POC (proof of concept) project in 2019. The first business unit to take part was Fortum eNext, an unit providing expert services for thermal power plants. Fortum eNext wanted to get their transformative and future facing message across more effectively, and make the value of their products stand out to gain valuable leads and convince investors.
Fortum eNext team had a vision for the web content, but wanted to speed up the process of making changes into reality. The Proof of Concept Clinic project received excellent feedback from participants: The four Clinic sessions ensured that the marketing team was able to take best use of the available CMS (Drupal) and analytics (Siteimprove, Google Analytics) solutions. Practical skills in using the tools to reach targets and to evaluate progress improved. Having another expert viewpoint to user journey development was helpful in making the desired impact.
Concrete leaps forward were made with the Fortum eNext’s website content. These included a renewed front page and new About us -section, a scalable template for product pages, clear CTAs for collecting leads and a content network approach to navigating the site.
Clearly defined targets for content development and understanding of pain points in user journeys helped in focusing the work correctly.
Mia Tervo, Fortum eNext
Skills in CMS usage improved during the period and additional support to Drupal usage helped getting the best out of the tool.
Mia Tervo, Fortum eNext
What we achieved together:
+91% external visitors on the website over a 6 month period
+79% pageviews over a 6 month period
Better visibility for strategic product areas & references
Increased interaction and engagement on the new front page
After a successful POC with Fortum eNext, the clinic model was expanded to other business units, starting with 4 units in spring 2020.

structure for communication & marketing: Fortum eNext saw significant rise in visits and pageviews during and after the Content Clinic period.
Fortum is a leading clean-energy company developing and offering solutions for customers in electricity, heating and cooling, as well as solutions to improve resource efficiency. Fortum also provides services for the power generation industry and solutions for consumers so that they can be smarter in their energy choices.