Mehiläinen – Increased conversion with service design and development tied together
Mehiläinen Group is the best-known and most highly regarded private provider of health care and social services in Finland. We designed and implemented the new mehilä web site using Drupal to drive business through increased conversion to online booking, improve the customer experience, and to enhance the content management process and tools.
Driving business by increased conversion to online booking and B2B sales
Mehiläinen wanted to completely renew their website to drive business through increased conversion to online booking and B2B sales, improve the customer experience, and to enhance the content management process and tools.
Key goals were to make it easy to find and read relevant information, and to provide fast access to online booking. The new site should also cater all customer segments on multiple languages and using mobile, tablet and desktop.
Finally, the content from the old language specific Drupal 6 sites was to be migrated into the new unified site while maintaining the high SEO values.
Website renewal
Serving customers better whilst increasing sales
Website serves daily tens of thousands of customers by providing information and fast booking.
Benefits: increased conversion to online booking, improved customer experience, and enhanced content management process and tools.
Integrated service design and development process
In the project, we used our integrated service design and development process, which started with a series of workshops, where we discovered and deepened our understanding of the goals and needs of each part of the organization and targeted customers. We created personas, designed service paths, and finally structure and layouts, which would best cater the needs and result into good conversion. A lightweight prototype was used to test the key aspects of the concept.

Exove also supplied a product owner, who helped the project owner at Mehiläinen, collected and structured the backlog during the design phase, and helped the technical team on priorities and details throughout the development phase.
Development team was involved in project from the beginning to ensure the technical architecture would meet the concept and vice versa. We implemented the site using Drupal 7 content management system. Key features of the system were Apache SOLR based faceted search, multilingual support, and several reusable context- and location-sensitive blocks to provide relevant services and doctors to the site visitor.
We also integrated Drupal with an existing MS SQL based services database to keep the doctor and service data always up-to-date, and migrated content from the old Drupal 6 based system to the new CMS.
Significant undertaking due to the combination of complex features
The site was launched first as a beta version for Finnish, and later updated with all languages, new features and changes due beta feedback. Overall, the project was a significant undertaking due to the combination of several complex features like multiple languages, location and context awareness, integrations, and large amount of content.
The new site help daily tens of thousands of customers by providing relevant information and quick access to booking doctor’s appointment.